Call Me via Grand Central

Sunday, February 12, 2006


Even though it is coming down hard outside, I am still getting ready to go in for my last training shift. I mean seriously, we are expecting over a foot of snow, there is no visibility, and the roads are covered, but Joe's is still open. The natick and braintree malls are both closed, but still Joe's is open. Oh well, at least I can't expect it to be too busy tonight. I'll blog more afterwards, and see if anyone even showed up . . .

So, yeah - it was supah dead. The most guests of the day were the plow drivers who came in after 6pm. Everyone who came in (except for a handful of people) went straight into the bar/lounge, so my dining room training was a complete wash. In fact, the most exciting part of the day, was dealing with a gentlemen who appeared to be to drunk to leave on his own. He tried to drive away, and couldn't even get out of the parking lot! By the time the cab we called for him arrived, it took two of us to even get this guy into the cab - he was completely passed out. It turns out he forgot to take his blood pressure medication, and that was what made him that way; but, at the time it was damn funny! Anyway, I'm off to enjoy some Olympic coverage with my roommates . . .

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