Call Me via Grand Central

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Once more dear friends . . .

For anyone reading my blog now, and wondering about the 3 month gap in postings, here is the quickest recap I can muster:

My boss finally got fired, and I got another raise and promotion. I was making real person money (over $43k a year), and got into a good groove at work, just before thanksgiving. I was working ALL the time (with one scheduled day off a week), but was still excited at having my own store. The lease for my store was up at the end of January, and corporate decided not to renew. My store closed for business effective December 26th. I was given a severance package (including payment for unused vacation time) and sent on my way. I filed for unemployment, and, no new job immediately presenting itself, I got myself hired as a server at the restaurant my roommates work at.

With that said, I am rededicating myself to blogging as much as possible, and make the most of the blog as I can.

No actual posting today ( I am off to the movies in just a second), but tomorrow I regale all of you with my many tales of unemployed madness . . .

1 comment:

Dan said...

Get on it dude. I'm excited for the new blogging on your part. Can't wait to see you guys this weekend.