Call Me via Grand Central

Sunday, August 21, 2005


Our house was broken into yesterday. Luckily, they only took a small amount of stuff. The only thing I lost was a small container of loose change (with about $30 or $40 worth in there), but my other roommates did not fare quite so well. One of my roommates lost a container of change that had several hundred dollars worth in there (he'd been saving it for a LONG time); and, my other roommate lost several hundred dollars in cash. Several implements of relaxation were taken as well.

We are convinced that it was out upstairs neighbors, or one of the skeevy friends of the upstairs neighbors. One of them just got let out of jail for petty theft. The cops are always around because of them - they broke up a party here about 2 weeks ago. I have even heard of one of the skeevy friends starting a fight by throwing bottles at the guy who lives across the street!

We called the landlord, and he is coming today to install chains/ deadbolts on all our doors. Whoever got in here did so because the upstairs people either forced our back porch door open, or they unlocked the deadbolt in the basement that we share.

I was going to blog about something else today, but I am still very upset by this whole thing . . .

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