Call Me via Grand Central

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

It's been a while since I've updated the blog, but I'm back so here goes . . .

First, I want to share my utmost joy about the upcoming Tenacious D movie! Everything I've heard sounds so funny, and I just can't wait. I only hope that there will be lots of new songs created for the flick, instead of them falling back on all the great, but now heavily-overplayed songs of the past. I need more new D!!!!!

Second, I am giving a HUGE shoutout to a local group, Waltham! These guys are a local rock group, and their new album is awesome. I can't stop listening to it, both at work and at home. (In fact, my workers at Sam Goody are starting to get tired of it, cuz I try to play the album once a shift every time!)It's just good thumpin rock, so check it out . . .

Ok, I guess that's it for now - I have to jump in the shower. Until tomorrow . . .

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