Call Me via Grand Central

Saturday, August 13, 2005

A small post before work -

I have begun watching the show LOST, and love it. The ensemble cast is quite good, and the pacing is unique and intriguing. As each character's backstory develops each week, a little bit more of the general disaster story unfolds. A little bit more about the whys and hows of the accident and its repercussions spill out each episode. The whole story is a mystery, wrapped in an enigma, wrapped in jungle foliage. I recommend that, if any of you haven't started watching this show yet, catch up on old episodes now before the next season starts.

For tomorrow's action packed episode, we'll learn how to turn a PSP into a full-featured super machine AND how to turn GMail into your own personal online IPOD. Intrigued? Come back tomorrow then . . .

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