Call Me via Grand Central

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Hello again . . .

I am currently 'reviewing' the new PSP game Death Jr. for my next edition, but in the mean time I thought I would share something funny I found.

So . . . I stumbled across this the other day, and at first glance thought it was a joke and/or a hoax. Then I thought it was for real. Now, unfortunately, I know that it is once again just a rumor. But, how cool would that have been???

I could just see the 'more cow bell' bill being pushed through Congress . . .

Or President Walken's first State of the Union being both the highest watched political address ever, while also being the most intense/creepy as well . . .

Well, I guess that will never be. Or will it . . . ?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Walken for Pres!!!!! That is HI-larious!! And I thought nothing could drag me back onto the campaign trail ;-)